Land of the Black Squirrels

LAND of the BLACK SQUIRRELS is book one of the BRONX BOHEME, an epic Hip-Hop Jazz folktale -in the form of a novel- series by master storyteller, Mwalim.

Our tale begins in 1969, when Black squirrels began to appear in the Bronx. Obatunde Bey -a jazz musician and painter- leaves his desk job at the New York City Parks Department to open an arts academy in his Northeast Bronx neighborhood, “The Valley.” Little did he know that his art house would quietly become the launch-pad of an underground arts movement.

The series began life as a storytelling piece presented in Cambridge, MA at the Book Cellar in 1993. In 2003, a longer version of the story was presented at the Nuyorican Poet’s Cafe. After attempting to capture it as a performance piece and even a screenplay, a novel series seemed to be the best way to capture this winding adventure of underground artists.

Join us for a 5-Train ride up to the New World Arts Academy in the Northeast Bronx, a.k.a., the LAND of the BLACK SQUIRRELS and experience the BRONX BOHEME.

You can order a signed copy of the book HERE, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or your favorite book store. You can also join the mailing list below to be updated on events, activities, and new releases.